The Guardian's Guide

Just something a random college student wanted to try. *Warning* May contain wise words of wisdom (not likely, but one can dream :))

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Wow, has it really been two months since I posted last? So much has happened, and yet nothing interesting to report. I got back from Spring Break last Friday; we went to England and France on a Study Tour. It was a blast! London Tower, Westminister Abbey, Bodium Castle, Eiffel Tower, Notre was absolutely awesome! The trip over was hectic, getting through security and everything, and the plane ride itself was cramped, but I was glad I went. It was the first time on a commercial flight and my first time out of the country, so I was pumped! (as if you couldn't tell :))

Now that school's started back up, though, my workload was at least tripled. I have two block classes until the end of the semester, and the amount of work is incredible. On top of all that, I work for the Security department here at the school for two early morning shifts on my busiest days. Indeed these next six weeks will be interesting...

Unfortunately, because of all this activity I'm afraid my hobby of writing has been put on hold. I guess I could always sacrifice my video game playing...nah! :)

In all seriousness, that's about it with all the semi-interesting stuff. As far as a real personal life goes...the search continues.